Shadow Hunter

High Hopes
Shadow Hunter delves into the fascinating world of the paranormal through the eyes of charismatic parapsychologist Darryll Walsh. In each episode Walsh takes the viewer on a journey to explore the history, scientific and cultural relevance of a variety of paranormal phenomena. A dedicated truth seeker, armed with a healthy skepticism and a good sense of humor, Walsh gets to the bottom of everything from vampires and fairies to poltergeists and phantom ships. (13 x Half Hour)

*Produced by Sorcery Films Ltd and Ocean Entertainment

Episode Summaries

When you think of fairies do you think gossamer wings and sparkly wands? Fairies didn’t start out as the characters in childhood stories… real fairies are much more potent! This time on Shadow Hunter we explore the fairy realm. We uncover the more sinister side of fairies and meet some people who have actually seen fairies.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy road map to life, so many of us turn to psychics for the answers! From small town fortune- tellers to big city mediums, psychics have sprung up everywhere! But can these modern day soothsayers really do what they claim?

From the hideous deformed bloodsucker to the romantic Hollywood Antihero – there’s no denying Dracula’s role as the most popular monster of all time. What is it about the prince of darkness that fascinates people? Shadow Hunter tracks the mysterious journey of the vampire through history into today’s Goth and Fetish cultures.

Despite our technological advances belief in ghosts has never gone out of fashion. Uncover the reasons behind our deep-seated desire to be scared. Meet a filmmaker who likes to frighten little children. Tour a famous haunted house. Check out a controversial helmet that simulates ghostly presence and discover how ghosts satisfy our desire to believe in life after death.

The business of ghosts is booming and people are coming back for more –an entire ghost industry seems to have sprung up overnight! Visit an author of spooky ghost stories, check out a popular ghost tour, look at the history of ghosts in film and television, and meet some very entrepreneurial ghost hunters. We’ll explore how people are able to profit from something as unproven as a ghost and what is it in today’s culture that drives our desire to be frightened.

There are few areas of the paranormal that get as much bad publicity as witchcraft…The fact is most of what we actually know about witches is probably untrue. Why are people so afraid of witches? Can they really put spells on us? We’ll meet a witch who teaches spell casting, check out a saucy sorcerer who sells witch merchandise, uncover the gruesome history of the craft and visit the location of an actual witch burning.

107 “UFO’s”
UFO believers can become obsessed with proving their point. Some approach the subject with the intensity of a TV evangelist. What is it about balls of light in the sky and little green men that affects people so deeply? We’ll meet people whose lives have been changed forever after witnessing a UFO. We’ll catch up with an obsessive UFO investigator, uncover the UFO brain connection, and visit a woman who’s been operated on by aliens.

Many believe it is possible to speak to the dead. Each year thousands attempt to communicate with their dearly departed through a medium or channellor. Do mediums really do what they claim to do? What messages do dead people have for us? Shadow Hunter explores our obsession with the dead.

As you gaze at the sea you notice a peculiar looking ship. As you look more closely you notice it’s sails are on fire. You look again it’s gone. Phantom ships aren’t just stories in books of folklore. Entire communities have seen these ghostly visions … Navy ships have raced to the rescue of flaming ships that disappeared into the horizon before the eyes of the startled crew. Explore the truth surrounding this nautical mystery.

Knock knock knock – anyone home? Forerunners, sometimes known as tokens or visions, are known to occur all over the world. So why do these supernatural happenings only present impending death and disaster? Are there ever any good omens?

Objects fly across the room on their own, strange noises come from nowhere, doors fly open and slam shut, ….We think of horror movies when we hear the word “Poltergeist”, but exorcisms are actually still being performed today. Can spirits really possess your body and soul? We’ll find out as Shadow Hunter explores a famous poltergeist case and delves into the psychology of possession.

Knock on wood? Cross your fingers? Spit when you see a crow? From Skateboarders to scholars, most of us have our own peculiar superstitions. For some it’s an innocent past time for others it’s serious ritual. Where did our superstitions come from and why do we cling to them in today’s skeptical world.

It’s the middle of the night, you sense a strange presence in your bedroom, something is approaching you, it’s holding you down, smothering you – are you awake or is this just a bad dream? From night terrors and visions to the old hag syndrome – Shadow Hunter looks at the things that make us terrified to close our eyes at night.